a net exhibition concerning virtual scale & drawing

1 May 2020


options: desktop application, video documentation

application will open in fullscreen. Quit with CMD+q, or Alt+f4.
controls: w-a-s-d (shift for speedup).

Windows: no longer available
Mac: no longer available
Linux: no longer available

Curator: Anders Aarvik
3D Artist: Nicolai Oestergaard
Poster piece: Emily Moore



thumb (v0.0.1) is a desktop application under multipresent anti-aggressive communal computer, an antiauthoritarian computer. 2x2cm drawings has been exposed to virtual transgression. thumb considers a virtual space without virtual attributes such as materiality, scale and space – in the transgression to virtual, an invisible dimension becomes retranscribed in which the attributes are not detected. The sense of materiality, scale and space is lost, while thumb takes this very transgression and its belonging attributes and turns them into the premise of the show. 

The virtual space includes images generated with machine learning, graphite drawings, paintings, photography, video, a sculpture of red thread, a microscope drawing with emphasis on process, iconographic associations, interpretation of actual thumbs, a ripped paper sculpture, and a dot drawing on stamps for printing lsd substance onto.

Yuzo Ono, Charlotte Cooper, Diyou yu, Art Sokolov, Teresa Arede, Stefan Bakmand, Harry Coday, Louise Ørsted Jensen, Emily Moore, Abhaya Rajani, Thea Tang, Simon Job, Sarah Vines, Jay Chung, Marie Linsdell, Tobias Stenberg Christensen, Fengjin Yu, Alessandro Paiano, Shu Hu, Louise Gholam, Tanya Glavatskix, Anders Aarvik

image documentation